On ira dormir sous les tribunes

In the context of the exhibition Endeavours and Masterpieces

The exhibition has been organized in collaboration with the École Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence Félix Ciccolini (ESAAix).

Invited by the Frac Sud for a new carte blanche dedicated to young artists, students from the École Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence Félix Ciccolini are occupying the Frac’s “experimentations plateau”, in the context of the exhibition Endeavours and Masterpieces (Des exploits, des chefs d’œuvre), in close connection with its theme.

Les étudiantes et étudiants de l'École Supérieure d'Art d'Aix-en-Provence Félix Ciccolini (ESAAIX)
Les étudiantes et étudiants de l’École Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence Félix Ciccolini (ESAAIX)
Crédit photo : Abraham Poincheval

Under the title On ira dormir sous les tribunes, twelve students develop their view of sport through various mediums (video, animation, volume, painting, drawing, object/installation, and performance).

The performative dimension of many pieces will enable works to be set in motion regularly over the time of the exhibition. Proof, if there ever was one, that sport now constitutes a subject, especially for this emerging generation, the works sweep through a broad spectrum of contemporary issues (esthetic, economic, political, linked to gender…).

These are explored here with great precision and relevance, from a perspective that is at once poetic, critical and humorous. In our view, one of their main qualities is that they never surrendered to bland illustration, to lazy generalities about sport and the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

Here, as throughout Endeavours and Masterpieces , they stick to what art says about sport, and even more to what sport says about art.

Mathilde Beauvois, Noé Cambon, Woojung Choi, Alice Frost, Joséphine Hasselin, Laura Jacob, Haeun Jo, Ariel Lancman, Sunyoon Park, Louis Marie Ropars, Lila Schpilberg, Nemo Turbant

Catherine Melin, Abraham Poincheval, Jérémie Setton

Jean-Marc Huitorel