Frapper / Creuser

Performance by Yoan Sorin

Yoan Sorin combined the categories of boxing and sculpture in conceiving this performance based on his work presented within the exhibition Endeavours and Masterpieces – The Hour of Glory (Des exploits, des chefs-d’oeuvre – L’Heure de gloire).

Frapper / Creuser, 2016, Yoan Sorin © Adagp, Paris
Frapper / Creuser, 2016, Yoan Sorin © Adagp, Paris
Crédit photo : Stéphane Ruchaud

Wearing knuckledusters, he will box a bulky punching bag for around twenty minutes, until its destruction causes it to give up a variety of materials, various dusts and spices—leftovers of memory that the artist liberates at the end of the battle.

After the performance, his shirt and knuckledusters will remain in the exhibition, testifying to the artist’s final intervention on his work.