
[learning to observe impermanence: rereading the Frac Sud collections]

Exhibition of artworks from the Frac Sud collection : Berdaguer & Péjus, Michel Blazy, Rémi Bragard, Bianca Bondi, Dominique De Beir, Nicolas Floc’h, Isabelle Giovacchini, Anna Malagrida, Linda Sanchez, Martin Walde

Frac Sud is extending a new carte blanche to the Pavillon Bosio, the École supérieure d’arts plastiques de la ville de Monaco and the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, devoted to young artists.

Based on a selection of works from the Frac Sud collection, accompanied by their lecturers, eight students from the Art et Scénographie master’s programme at the Pavillon Bosio and the Sciences et Techniques de l’exposition master’s programme at Université Paris 1 have devised an exhibition for its “plateau experimentations.”

This exhibition is the result of a partnership between the Sciences et Techniques de l’exposition master’s programme at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Pavillon Bosio, École supérieure d’arts plastiques de la ville de Monaco.

Bianca Bondi, Bloom (Age of Uncertainty), 2022. © Adagp, Paris.
Bianca Bondi, Bloom (Age of Uncertainty), 2022. © Adagp, Paris.
Crédit photographique : Cyril Boixel

Apophenia is an alteration of perception that leads us to attribute a particular meaning to seemingly banal events by establishing unmotivated relationships between things. This exhibition, based on the Frac Sud collections, is an invitation to create links between the works in order to fully appreciate the marvels of impermanence.

Seeking to erase the clear-cut boundaries of reason, this exhibition aims to take a moment to reflect on the gradual and imperceptible evolution from one form to another. The exhibition invites us to contemplate the metamorphoses of the living world through works featuring the random and unpredictable proliferation of micro-organisms that populate our environments. While some of the artists in the exhibition act as witnesses to the evolution of organic matter, others provoke it using chemical processes. In this way, the transformation of matter becomes a real challenge, enabling new realities to emerge.

Curators: Emma Callegarin, Anna Décot, Sara Kermarec Scenography: Johanna Bourgin, Louise Chatelain, Maeva Pillon, Illona Rougemond-Mosconi, Téophile Sargenti, Léo Zaragoza Accompaniment: Mathilde Roman, Christophe Viart, Laurent P. Berger, Renaud Layrac