Acquisition protocol

Schedule for sending and reviewing files for 2024 to come.

Connected to forms of artistic engagement in public space, to visual sociology, to the history of forms, and to their political and social dimension in the field of contemporary art, the artistic project Faire société is based on the linking of the political with the esthetic, speaking out to the public about the importance of the contribution that artists and their research make to democratic debates; as “awakeners”, their formal works help us contemplate, clarify, even anticipate the basic movements that run through our societies. This approach is linked to the way the Frac has positioned itself on its territory in recent years, as well as to the architectural project of its building, which, though its logic of openness to the city, embodies the project of a “museum without walls”—a living, humanistic, universalist museum.

Linked to the project Faire société, the research axes that will guide the enrichment of the collection are as follows:

Polis, Homo Ludens The renewal of forms of artistic engagement in public space, particularly based on an art/sport/play trinity.

Forms of art activism in the area of history The contribution of artists to writing and rewriting history with a focus on the Mediterranean space broadened to the Atlantic.

Pensive images Different image regimes, particularly referring to research into visual sociology.

“E.T.” Architecture Art / Extra-Territorialities The very strong architectural gesture that is the building designed by Kengo Kuma seals the Frac Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur’s relationship with architecture.

To bring fresh perspectives on the collection and its enrichment, a new acquisition committee was established in the summer of 2021. Proposals made by members of the technical purchasing committee, as well as spontaneous proposals by artists and galleries, will be examined in line with the axes of the Frac’s artistic project, which remain sufficiently open to enable many approaches and expressions to find their place in it.

In connection with these axes, various principles will guide the committee’s choices:
– Strong attention will be given to proposals by artists and galleries based in the region.
– A support policy directed both at emergence (with the acquisition of works by young artists), and at established artists of international standing.
– A principle of keeping track of artists whose works were acquired by the Frac at the beginning of their careers will be observed, in order to assemble meaningful sets of works and understand the development of an artist’s research over time.
– Since the collection’s main themes revolve around photographic images, video, drawing, and artist books, we will monitor and pay attention to new and singular approaches in those fields.
– Production and exhibition activity will also occasionally inspire proposals to the committee for meaningful, strong works produced by the Frac for its spaces.
– A new entry into the collection will be initiated with proposals for protocol works that can be presented temporarily in public space and be revived according to instructions provided by the artist in their protocol.

From the moment they enter the collection, all of the works will be subject to administrative, documentary and technical tracking. Reflecting the diversity of contemporary art, these works in multiple mediums are stored together in reserves within the Frac’s building to best ensure their conservation and actively respond to the circulation mission. To facilitate its everyday management and enable the public to access the collection, all of the works will be viewable on the website of Videomuseum, a consortium of modern and contemporary public art collections.

Members of the technical acquisition committee

• Marie Bovo, artist
• Jean-Marc Huitorel, art critic, curator
• Solenn Morel, director of Les Capucins contemporary art center in Embrun
• Vassilis Oikonomopoulos, director of exhibitions and programs at Luma Arles
• Jean-Pierre Rehm, art critic

Other members sitting on the TAC:
• Muriel Enjalran, director of the Frac Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
• Hélène Audiffren, visual arts advisor, Drac Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
• Bertrand Le Bars, head of the visual arts mission, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.

Invited into the TAC:
• Catherine Bollini, president of the Société des Amis du Frac Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.

Application contents and process

Applications must be sent by email:

Acquisition proposal applications must contain all of the following elements:

Application contents

1 – Artist form to download and complete
The file must be named as follows: ARTIST NAME _artist_form_2022.pdf

2 – Work form to download and complete
The file must be named as follows: ARTIST NAME_title _work_form_2022.pdf

3 – A summary form, named as follows: ARTIST NAME_proposal.pdf, containing the following elements:
– Text explaining the general artistic approach
– Text introducing the proposed works (with date and artist name)
– Up-to-date biography of the artist
– Portfolio

4 – At least one visual per work, named as follows: ARTIST NAME_TITLE_PHOTO CREDIT.jpeg.
For video work proposals, we also ask that you provide a dedicated link that can be passed on to the committee’s members. This link must remain active from the application date until one month after the committee meeting.

Applications cannot simultaneously present proposals for purchase and donation. If need be, the donation proposal will be examined during the next meeting of the technical purchase committee.

Incomplete applications will be declared unacceptable and will not be examined. Anything sent by post will not be taken into account.